Music Group
An informal group of churchgoing musicians and singers who play in St John’s services. We play a mix of traditional hymns and modern worship.
When: Sunday rehearsals before the 10 am service
Where: St John’s Church
Contact: Dayle Anderson
A group of singers who support the service through song. Rehearsals are held Sundays at 9.30 am for the 10 am service and then again after the service until 12 noon. There is also a monthly practice on a Thursday evening.
When: 9:30 am-12 noon on Sundays
Where: St John’s Centre and Church
Contact: Eleanor Carter
Indonesian Group Church Service
A monthly service held in Bahasa Indonesian. Join us if you are interested in a church service in our first language.
When: monthly meeting
Where: St John’s Church
More info: Indonesian Church Service
Contact: Ino Pasullean
Souper Sundays
These are an opportunity to enjoy fellowship together over delicious hot soups.
Everyone welcome, especially visitors.
When: After Church. Usually at the end of May, June, July & August
Where: St John’s Centre
There is no charge but a contribution of something sweet to share with tea and coffee after the soup would be most appreciated
Contact: Marg Gilkison
St J’s Youth
Youth Group for Years 7-13. We’re a friendly group who don’t take ourselves too seriously. We love to chat, play mafia, throw a frisbee, and learn about God.
When: 6:30-8:30 pm Fridays and 10 am Sundays during term time
Where: St John’s Centre
More info: Youth Group
Contact: Hannah North
St J’s Kids
Friendly Sunday school programmes and crèche for children from 0 to 10 years with special events once a term.
When: 10-11:15 am Sundays during term time
Where: St John’s Centre
More info: St J’s Kids
Contact: Hannah North
Craft & Coffee
We knit, embroider, quilt, applique, crochet, anything that’s crafty. And we chat and chat and chat. Coffee drinkers enjoy coffee, and tea is also served! Come and join us.
When: 9:45-11:45 am on Mondays, fortnightly
Where: St John’s Centre
Contact: Lesley Shaw
Monday home group
A group that meets Mondays to study a book of the Bible or a theme chosen by the group. New members are always welcome, and we have members at a range of ages. The study starts at 7.30pm and ends promptly at 9pm after which there is an optional supper.
When: 7-9 pm on Mondays
Where: Karori
Contact: David and Margaret Galt
Football group
A social football group for anyone 18+. Feel free to get in touch if you’d like to join or just show up on the night.
When: 7-8 pm every second Monday of the month
Where: St John’s Centre Gym
Contact: Ino Pasullean
A social badminton group for anyone 18+.
Equipment is provided.
When: 5.30-7.00pm Mondays
Where: St John’s Centre
Contact: Samuel
Tuesdays - Thursdays
Fellowship Group
Speakers and lunch. Open to anybody from the congregation who wants to join. Enjoy good fellowship and lunches.
When: 11 am, on the fourth Tuesday of the month
Where: St John’s Centre
Contact: Mary Gibbs
Young Adults Bible Study group
A group for university students and young professionals to meet as a group and study the Bible together, with monthly social events.
When: 6-7.15 pm on Thursdays
Where: St John’s Office
Contact: Hannah North
Men’s Breakfast
An informal time to explore the varying topics of the day and what that means to our faith and as Christians, while eating a hearty breakfast….
When: 7:30-8:30 am on Thursdays, fortnightly
Where: St John’s Centre
Contact: Duncan Shaw
Thursday home group
Bible study, discussion, and friendship at various homes around the city.
When: 8 pm on Thursdays
Where: This changes each fortnight
Contact: Paul Ramsay
Youth Group
Youth Group for Years 7-13. We’re a friendly group who don’t take ourselves too seriously. We love to chat, play mafia, throw a frisbee, and learn about God.
When: 6:30-8:30 pm Fridays and 10 am Sundays during term time
Where: St John’s Centre
More info: Youth Group
Contact: Hannah North
youth worship band
We're the youth worship band! Playing Jesus Jams for you at youth on Friday nights!
When: 4-6 pm on Fridays
Where: St John’s Centre
Contact: Hannah North