St J’s Youth Group is a diverse group of young people from across Wellington with a shared passion for fun, friends, and developing faith. We meet a couple of times a week throughout the school term and welcome anyone who wants to give youth group a go.
St J’s Youth
(Years 7-13)
Meets: Fri 6:30-8:30 pM and Sun 10-11:15am
Life is just better with friends! We’re a friendly group who don’t take ourselves too seriously. We love to chat, play mafia, throw a frisbee, and learn about God. There are heaps of ways to get involved - come along for a Friday night hangout, or check out a Sunday morning service (complete with life chats and games). We also have a Youth Worship Band (details are on the Groups Page).
The Youth need you…
We have a number of young people in our care who come regularly on Fridays and Sundays. We want to be able to provide them with all they need on their faith journey, but we need your support to do so. There are a number of different ways you can do this - from being on the prayer team, to helping out on Friday nights with supper or by becoming a youth teacher or leader. It doesn’t have to be every week - even a couple of times a term would be a big help.
If you’re interested, use the Contact button above to get in touch to register your willingness, or to get more information.