“… just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”
Everyone is welcome at St John’s – we are people united in the faith of Jesus Christ. Everyone can take part in worship, participate in Communion, and give and receive care.
We strive to be a church of belonging – a community of participation, growth, journeying, commitment, contribution, and sharing.
Becoming a Member of St John’s formalises your belonging and participation in the life of our church. It is a public acknowledgement of the faith we share and our commitment to the life of the Church, as we encourage and equip each other in ministry and mission.
To be a Member you need to:
have been baptised (either as a child or an adult)
make a public profession of faith
seek to lead a life consistent with this profession of faith
participate in and support the worship, life, and mission of St John’s
accept the governance of the Church.
Like any family, we live with one another in our diversity, appreciating the gifts each other has and encouraging the contributions we can each make. We pursue authentic ministry and mission together maintaining the unity given to us in, and through, Jesus Christ. We open ourselves to being shaped by God’s Word and transformed by God.
We actively explore opportunities to serve God’s people and communities as we sense the Spirit at work, and then join in! We do this together by praying, discerning, encouraging, and equipping one another, as we are able.
If you are interested in learning more about membership, please contact our Minister, Rev Allister Lane. Applications for membership are passed to the St John’s Session for endorsement.