Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 28 August 2022

Kia ora St John’s whānau,

In a noisy and busy world, it can be easy to get distracted. We can forget about God at times, as we live in a world that largely ignores God.

This Sunday our faith in God is encouraged by the prophet Jeremiah, who calls us back to God. We are reminded of God’s tender love and satisfying grace – “the fountain of living water” (Jer 2:13).

If you want to read the Bible reading before Sunday, it is: Jeremiah 2:4-13
And if you want to hear a weekly Rev’s Ramble on the Bible readings, click here. https://www.facebook.com/KhandallahPresbyterianChurch

Our youth and kids have peer groups on Sunday morning – going out part-way in the service.

Last Sunday we watched a video of Rick, the DCM volunteer who collects our weekly food offerings for the Foodbank.
This Saturday we have a St J’s Kids Pantry Raid around Wellington collecting extra food (see the details below). So, why don’t you bring some extra items this Sunday to add, and we’ll swamp the Foodbank with generosity!

If you can’t get into the city, and you want to join the worship service via Zoom, here are the details to access the live-stream:
Zoom Meeting ID: 370 260 759
Passcode: worship
The link to join the Zoom worship service is below.


If using your phone: dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 370 260 759#, Passcode: 1560107#)

This is the link to the printable Service Sheet 




St J's Kids (Sunday School) would LOVE you to sign up to be part of our annual food collection event for DCM (aka The Pantry Raid) on Saturday 27 August from 3pm.
This is where the children from St J's Kids come to your house to collect grocery items for the foodbank.
To sign up please click on this link and fill out the form: https://forms.gle/C1CAK1LUnUvf1oad9



The St John’s Session recommend we ordain some new elders. Eldership in the Presbyterian tradition is a recognised role whereby a person commits themselves to spiritual leadership and care within a congregation, in the strength of the Holy Spirit. The nature of leadership is what the church understands as ‘servant leadership’ and it always seeks peace and unity. It is a consultative and collaborative style of leadership that pursues the welfare of the church into the future.
The St John’s Session is pleased to recommend two people for prayerful consideration by St John’s members for being ordained as elders: Jason Fyfe and Nisha George. And notice is hereby given of a Congregational Meeting after the morning service on Sunday 4th September 2022 to elect these people as elders.

Nisha George
Came from India a couple of years ago with her daughter Adrina – following their husband/father who had come a few years earlier and had been worshipping at St John’s. Nisha has trained in theology and has musical gifts. Nisha leads prayers for others and is involved in All Age Worship. She has been working as a Healthcare Assistant at Sprott House in Karori.

Jason Fyfe
With a Roman Catholic background, he worships with his wife Sophie and his sons Max and Ned, after they made friends with people at St John’s and were invited along. He has a compassionate servant heart and serves passionately at the Dixon Street Café, is a Duty Convenor and loves to take special care of people who are marginalised (e.g. the late Walter Hall). Jason works in IT for ANZ, covering night shifts at various times.



The First Vision to Action Workshop went off with a Bang! Short time frames, creative minds and collective energy combined to come up 6 great ideas kick starting the St John’s Whanau to reconnect with each other and the community around us.
Each team will now keep working on their ideas, put practical legs on it and over the next few weeks let it loose!! Make no mistake, there’s some mahi ahead of us but given the energy and wide cross section talent displayed at the workshop we have definitely crossed the threshold from Vision to Action.
If you missed out on the workshop, don’t fear, there will be plenty of opportunity to get involved – so watch this space!
Project Team Projects

  • Site and Space – Christmas Market

  • Connecting with Neighbours – Build on ‘Luminary’ art installation – e.g. Community Prayer Project

  • Whanau Night Extension – Code Breaker Night for Whanau Night

  • Communications – Signage Improvements and What We’re Up to Messaging

  • Community Rebuild – Get Behind Church Camp and Talent Show

  • Needs of Specific Groups – Connecting Youth and Elderly in need



Over Winter Marg Gilkison has been organising a team to host Souper Sundays.
The yummy soup and bread, tea and coffee is provided and you are invited to bring something to share with the tea and coffee after our soup ( eg: slice, biscuits, fruit). It’s as simple as that, and there is no cost!
Today is the last Souper Sunday in this season. All visitors are welcome to please join us.



This is a special weekend for all of us! 16th – 18th September 2022
The theme is ‘Journeying Together’.
Please make time to come again (and encourage others to come too)
If you haven't already registered and you are toying with the idea of coming to church camp please register as soon as possible and before 1 Sept (this helps with our planning.)

Click on this link to get to the registration form

If you're just coming for the day on Saturday you can register using the form OR by contacting Margaret Gilkison.

DAY VISIT - leaving at 7.30am and returning at 5pm.
Cost for the day: $25 including morning tea and lunch.
Please phone or email Marg if you would like to come.
margaretgilkison@gmail.com Ph: 4763144 Mob: 0211440494



We are looking for new paid leadership to support our ministry with Children & Families and Youth. These are important and life-giving ministries for us at St John’s and we remain committed to these ministries as an expression of our faith shared and grown together.
While we have existing position descriptions for these roles (half-time for the Children & Families role, and full-time for the Youth Pastor role), we are also wanting to be flexible and shape the responsibilities of these roles, where appropriate, to match a) the strengths of suitable applicants, and b) with the emerging needs at St John’s.
Our St John’s Vision is encouraging us to focus on being intergenerational, having safe spaces for people to belong, being flexible and responsive, with an open-minded and positive culture.
We are open to explore possibilities with anyone who has a passion and aptitude for these ministries.
If you, or someone you know, might consider these roles, please contact Rev Allister Lane for more information, including the current position descriptions (Ph: 021 466 526).
Applications close 23rd September 2022. including a CV and a covering letter that lays out your vision for the role.



At the start of this month St John’s hosted a Saturday seminar on Physics and Ethics: "Science and Faith in an Age of Misinformation".
I am delighted to let you know that the video recordings of the four presentations at St John’s are available to watch on YouTube:

Prof. Jeff Tallon, ‘Seeing the Invisible – black holes, the universe and our place in it’, Dr. Gray Manicom, ‘What the Mysteries of Mathematics Reveal About the Creator’, Dr. Greg Liston, ‘Spirit, Time and Transformation’, Dr. Nicola Hoggard Creegan, ‘From Hiroshima to Recombinant DNA: The importance of ethical reflection’.



Worship leaders, ministers, preachers, church musicians/choir members and all church members; are invited to Jonathan Berkahn's workshop and concert at St James Anglican Church, 71 Woburn Road, Lower Hutt at 3pm on Sunday 28 Aug. 2022. Entry is free.
Jonathan – composer, musician, choir director and recently appointed manager of the NZ Hymnbook Trust – will explore choosing hymns for the church seasons, the way hymn collections are ordered, use of gender neutral language in hymns and hymns from the NZHBT's music books. The St James Choir will sing.
Let’s get a group together – please let Allister Lane know if you think you might like to come! a.lane@stjohnsinthecity.org.nz



Saturday 27 August 2022 at 7.30pm at St Mary of the Angels, Boulcott St.
Tickets from Eventbrite, choir members and at the door - $25 Click here to book tickets at Eventbrite https://tinyurl.com/2p885y2z



Saturday 10 September at 7.30 pm at the Michael Fowler Centre. Discount tickets of $45 A reserve and $40 B reserve are available from Linda Van Milligan, 027 2889210 or lindavanmilligan@gmail.com