Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 16 October 2022

Kia ora St John’s whānau,

This Sunday we are guided by God’s Word to think about faith as a Journey. We are delighted Paul Ramsay will be leading our worship service.

It is the last weekend of the school holidays, and part-way through the service the young people will go out to the St John’s Centre for a combined holiday programme.

If you can’t gather in the city, and you want to join the worship service via Zoom, here are the details to access the live-stream:
Zoom Meeting ID: 370 260 759
Passcode: worship
The link to join the Zoom worship service is below.


If using your phone: dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 370 260 759#, Passcode: 1560107#)

This is the link to the printable Service Sheet 




The Right Reverend Hamish Galloway visited earlier this month, and wanted this message to be shared…

“It was such a privilege to worship with you at St Johns in the City last Sunday. You have a beautiful building situated in a strategic place in the city. I spoke of intergenerational connections and was so pleased to note the emphasis that you put on this in your own context! Thank you for your warm welcome and for the animated conversations last Sunday. I look forward to being back at St Johns for the ONE conference in November. We are so grateful to be able to use St Johns for this event.”



This week some of our youth are with the Minister and his family at a youth camp with three other youth groups from Khandallah, Island Bay and Whanganui. The four Ministers of these youth groups are great friends, and are hosting this youth camp as an experience of belonging to a wider Pressie whanau. It is a time of spiritual growth with games, worship, activities, time to ask questions, big group times, small group times, time with old friends and new friends.
Please include in your prayers the request that God will move in the hearts and lives of the young people.



We are invited to reflect on how our giving is an important part of living out our faith. ‘Raising our standard of giving’ – describes the thoughtful re-examination of our giving as an important expression for our faith. Together we are thinking about our values, re-examining our giving habits accordingly, making carefully thought-out decisions, and re-arranging our priorities in using money to enable us to carry out these decisions. We give meaningfully, not because the Church needs it (it does, of course) but because as Christians we need to give for our own sake spiritually.
More information will be provided in the coming weeks to help us re-examine our giving.



The Annual Report of St John’s in the City for the year ended June 2022 is available on the St John’s website: https://www.stjohnsinthecity.org.nz/publications-and-archive
I know you will enjoy the collection of stories and experiences shared in the various contributions. The Annual Performance Report (financial) is included there also.
Printed copies of the Annual Report will be available closer to the time of the Annual General Meeting, which is after the Sunday morning service on the 30th October 2022 in the St John’s Centre.



We are delighted to be hosting Dr Gray Manicom for a visit at St John’s in the City on the weekend of 12th & 13th November 2022.
There will be three opportunities to hear him: on Saturday at 3pm (for high school students), in the Sunday morning service, and an informal presentation after the service.

The recent video recording of the presentation ‘What the mysteries of mathematics reveal about the Creator’ by Gray Manicom as part of the Science and Faith seminar at St John’s is available here:



This leadership training conference for the Presbyterian Church is being hosted at St John’s in November (2pm 17th of November - 2:30pm Saturday the 19th of November).
We will have many folks travelling from out of town and many have asked if there is any possibility of being billeted. Would you like to consider billeting out-of-town attendees to the conference?
Conference attendees will have all meals provided at the conference except breakfast. If you can offer billeting please fill in this form One Conference Billet Host Form or email grace@presbyterian.org.nz



At this all age festival many voices worship the One. 19th-23rd January 2023 (Wellington Anniversary Weekend) at Wairarapa College in Masterton.
For more details and to register to go (along with others from St John’s): https://newwine.org.nz/



As we turn our Vision into action, one very easy and practical way we can build community is to wear a name tag.
Please keep your name tag on when you come over for Morning Tea in the Centre, and there will be a receptacle to drop your name tag into before you leave.


The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.