Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 4 December 2022

Kia ora St John’s whānau,

This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent, and our theme is getting ready for big outcomes!

We hear the wild rant by (creepy) John the Baptist and turn toward the One he points his finger at.

Our young people will go out part-way through to their peer groups.

If you can’t gather in the city, and you want to join the worship service via Zoom, here are the details to access the live-stream:
Zoom Meeting ID: 370 260 759
Passcode: worship
The link to join the Zoom worship service is below.


If using your phone: dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 370 260 759#, Passcode: 1560107#)

This is the link to the printable Service Sheet 




On the 9th December from 5pm to 8pm the St John’s in the City courtyard on the corner of Dixon and Willis St will be alive with music, food, games and craft stalls full of Christmas gifts for sale.

6.15pm: Kotaba Voices
6.30pm: Wellington Community Choir
6.50pm: Carol singing led by Lala

Come and join us for a free sausage, tea or coffee and a sweet treat!

Proceeds from the event will go to DCM and their work supporting the city’s most marginalised people. St John’s in the City has been supporting this work since 1997.

We would love you to be involved in this community-focused event in whatever way you can contribute.



We have a very special St J’s Kids Nativity Pageant, Quarterly Communion together and a shared lunch. Please bring food to share.

Other Special Services over the next month…
18 Dec 10am Carol Service
24 Dec 6pm Christmas Eve Family Service
25 Dec 10am Christmas Day Service
1 Jan 10am First Sunday service for 2023



Under our Christmas tree at St John’s we have empty Christmas Star Boxes from Wellington City Mission – for us to fill them with gifts! Filling these boxes is a way to spread love as we celebrate Christmas, and will make a joyous difference for people in need. Gifts are to be unwrapped, and here are some ideas: Vouchers (e.g. Movies/Zoo/Pool/Supermarket), construction toys (e.g. Lego/Meccano/Blocks) books, puzzles & board games, sports gear.
THE LAST SUNDAY to make a donation before the Christmas Star Boxes are collected is 18th December 2022.



Last week, we highlighted the slides from the AGM about the church finances.

These show that we are continuing to navigate a difficult financial environment with multiple pressures. Even though St John’s achieved an “accounting surplus” for 2021/22, a large deficit of $400,000 is budgeted for 2022/23. This arises because of:
• The need to inflation protect the Trust Fund – high inflation and low returns means very limited real returns are expected this year
• Insurance costs are $176,000 (plus GST) for the year – a $20,000 increase on last year and a 50% increase over the last 3 years
• Repairs and maintenance – painting the manse, washing the buildings on the St John’s site, and the repair of the Church reception roof have added to costs this year
• Higher salaries arising from market demand and the intention to fill the youth and children’s ministry vacancies
• A significant decline in annual congregational giving of about $60,000 compared with 2018.
Some of these challenges, such as insurance, will require a regional or national approach, as other Churches are facing similar cost challenges.

And some of these challenges are ours. Giving should be a joy that reflects our faith and enables our worship, ministry, mission and outreach. Jesus talked about money a lot. At least a third of his teaching was about money and property related matters – the incidents of the rich young ruler and the widow’s mite are forthright in their implications. Jesus did this because he knew that many of those he spoke to considered money more important than the Kingdom of God.

Let’s prayerfully re-examine our giving as an important expression of our faith and rise to the challenge of an additional $20,000 a year over the next three years.


The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.