Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 5 February 2023

Kia ora St John’s whānau,
This Waitangi Weekend we meet together on Sunday to worship with faith that is ‘Homegrown’.

We have much to celebrate as the Church in Aotearoa New Zealand, as we give thanks for the inheritance we have received and for the mission we are called to.
We start together in the Church at 10am as usual, and then part-way through the service our young people go to a Combined Holiday Programme in the St John’s Centre.
If you want to read the Bible readings before Sunday, they are: Psalm 112 and Matthew 5:13-16
And if you want to hear a weekly Rev’s Ramble on the Bible readings, click here. https://www.facebook.com/KhandallahPresbyterianChurch

If you can’t gather in the city, and you want to join the worship service via Zoom, here are the details to access the live-stream:
Zoom Meeting ID: 370 260 759
Passcode: worship
The link to join the Zoom worship service is below.

If using your phone: dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 370 260 759#, Passcode: 1560107#)

This is the link to the printable Service Sheet 




As we start this new year, we are delighted to have people serving us in new ways in our ongoing commitment to resource our ministry with young people:
   Hannah North as the Youth and Families Pastor, full-time
   Grace Webster as a Youth Worker, 15 hours per week
   Jemma August as a Youth Intern
Hannah will be moving to St John’s in the City from Auckland, where she has been working in youth and families ministry. Hannah is a competent and confident communicator who loves to serve young people and their whanau. She is very hands-on, and a good team member as well as team leader. She loves God, and also the Church.
Grace has been contributing to our youth ministry as a leader and intern for the last few years.  Grace continues her Praxis study in 2023, with St John’s in the City as her Agency for her practical experience.
Jemma has been contributing to our youth ministry as a leader and intern last few year.  Jemma begins Praxis study in 2023, with St John’s in the City as her Agency for her practical experience.
This Sunday we will commission Grace and Jemma as we pray that God will bless our ministry and the relationships with fruitfulness.

Youth Group starts again on Friday 10th February, 6:30pm.
And the age-specific peer groups for youth and families will recommence on Sunday 12th February, 10:00am, and we will celebrate with special morning tea and activities in the courtyard.



Our Vision: We explore and share the gospel with our dynamic neighbourhood. We create safe spaces to be, to belong, and to navigate the tough stuff. Getting to know God is a team sport – that’s why we do this together, not alone.
We have project teams as we live out our Vision in many ways – we want everyone involved!!!
Site and Space – Get involved in exploring how the St John’s site can be used in an outreach capacity. This could involve physical changes, projects, use of the Centre.
Contact Rob Anderson or Judi Ferguson      
Community Rebuild – Help re-establish and build back internal relationships and friendship in the St John’s community.
Contact: Margaret Gilkison or Jemma August
Whānau Night Extension – Get involved in building on the success of Whānau Night. Held each month during school terms in the St John’s Centre or in homes. Food, fun, faith and focus.
Contact: Fiona Purchas
Vision Communication and Connections – Ensuring St John’s is communicating our Vision with the wider community and supporting the project teams.
Contact: Elizabeth Gibbs
Getting to Know our Neighbours /Understanding Our - Eco System/Community – Building direct relationships with our immediate neighbourhood i.e. business and organisations, Victoria University of Wellington and Massey University, Kaianga Ora, building developers, WCC, neighbouring Churches, schools.
Contact: Pamela Cohen     
The St John’s Vision is a key focus for Session Leaders so feel free to contact any one of them about this. In particular you can contact the Session Clerk, Rob Anderson.



At Christmas we find ourselves part of the life-changing story of God’s great gift of love to us all.  It is this love that inspires us to live in hope, doing what we can to make our world a place where all people can live in dignity and peace.
Our Offering on Christmas Day supports the work of Christian World Service (CWS) with their partner organisations around the world, to strengthen people’s dignity and peace.
Together we gave $1,172.20. Those who provided details on the appeal envelope will receive a receipt from CWS



Please mark your diaries to be part of our community faith events coming up as we begin the season of Lent:
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast: 21st February, 7:30-8:30am in the St John’s Centre (with the maple syrup)
Ash Wednesday Combined Prayer & Ashes: 22nd February, 5:15pm at St Mary of the Angels



We rent out the majority of on-site car parks during the week, Monday to Friday, 12am to 6pm.
There are 2 spaces allocated for when members of St John’s come to visit someone at St John’s during the week – these are the two mobility parking spaces marked with yellow paint.
•           One is off Dixon Street, in front of Spinks Cottage (space #23)
•         The other is off Willis Street on the back corner of the Church (space #30)
Anyone wanting to use these parks when visiting St John’s during the week are asked to please phone the St John’s Office: 385 1546.


The Peace of Christ be with you