Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 25 August 2024
Kia ora St John’s whānau,
This Sunday we hear Paul proclaim the strange upside-down ways of God found in what the world considers foolishness and weakness.
The message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
For it is written, ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise’.
We encouraged each other to remain faithful to God, who demonstrates His faithfulness to us in most unusual ways.
Our children and young people will go out part-way during the service to their peer groups in the St John’s Centre.
If you can’t gather in the city, and you want to join the worship service via Zoom, here are the details to access the live-stream:
Zoom Meeting ID: 370 260 759
Passcode: worship
The link to join the Zoom worship service is below.
If using your phone: dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 370 260 759#, Passcode: 1560107#)
This is the link to the printable Service Sheet:
This Sunday is the final Souper Sunday lunch for this winter. You are warmly invited to share in a bowl of hot soup after church in the St John’s Centre.
You are welcome to bring a small plate of something sweet to share with our tea or coffee. Come and share in the warm fellowship, we’d love to see you.
This Sunday (25th August) at 4pm St John’s hosts a special Founders Service with all our friends from the Scots College community.
You are welcome to come and be part of this worship, as we celebrate the vision of those who started the Church Schools and for the enduring legacy of Christian influence in our city.
The speaker for this month is Neil Dodgson, Professor of Computer Graphics, a member of our Church whanau, and trumpeter in the Music Group. His theme - “the colonisation of the colour pink: colour terms in historic and modern Māori.”
Be there on Tuesday 27th August at 11am in the St John’s Centre Hall.
The Church Camp will run from Fri 20th Sept (evening) to Sun 22nd Sept (late morning) at the Paekakariki Holiday Park.
You can REGISTER NOW using this link, and follow the prompts:
Any questions please ask Naomi or Allister Lane, or Hannah North.
A third trip is planned to depart 27th November this year – serving, sharing, growing.
Details of the trip are available here:
Don’t delay – let Ino or Allister know if you’re interested.
As part of our practise of caring for creation, we have had two new bicycle racks installed in the St John’s courtyard.
These are high-quality ‘sculptures’ that witness to our intention of caring for God’s creation, and you are invited to sponsor these. We are seeking contributions to the total cost of $1,564 for both bike racks. They were installed without additional cost by Dave Wood. Thanks Dave!
Donations can be made to the St John’s bank account:
02 0500 0021908 00
Particulars: (Your name)
Reference: Bike
Our St John’s Contact Directory is an important way of keeping in touch with one another as a Church whanau.
To be included in this please respond before 1st September by completing this Google Form:
The Contact Directory is available only as a printed document to those who are included in the Directory.
The Creation Care Team offer us all a gentle reminder that all food waste and landfill rubbish goes in the rubbish bins provided in the cupboards under the benches. The white recycling bin only receives clean washed recyclable plastics. Sadly, as a church we are too often making our caretakers have to go through the recycling bin removing leftover food and other yukky rubbish after church events so that the recycling is accepted by the council. Please have consideration for them and think carefully about what goes where. Thanks!
Performs Hayden’s Creation on 24 August. Discount tickets are available from Linda Van Milligan.
This week scaffolding has been erected on the front eastern face of Troup House, as inspection work is undertaken to isolate and fix the leak that is currently allowing rainwater inside the building. This is likely to be in place for several weeks, and doesn’t restrict normal access to the Church Office or anywhere else on site.
“I will say this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice for He has made me glad.”