Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 13 October 2024

Kia ora St John’s whānau,
This Sunday we hear the invitation to come to a banquet.

Our children and young people can go straight to a combined holiday programme in the St John’s Centre at 10am, and we will all join together in the Church later for Communion.
After the service we will all share Morning Tea together.

If you can’t gather in the city, and you want to join the worship service via Zoom, here are the details to access the live-stream:
Zoom Meeting ID: 370 260 759
Passcode: worship
The link to join the Zoom worship service is below.

If using your phone: dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 370 260 759#, Passcode: 1560107#)

We hope a link to the printable Service Sheet will be available on the St John’s Facebook page soon.




With University exams coming up we want to offer students space to study at St John’s – as an alternative to the packed library and other crowded spaces.
Two rooms in the St John’s Centre will be available 16th, 17th, 18th, 21st October, 1 – 6pm.
We have the facilities available, and we are asking if you will give some of your time to (passively) supervise the study space and be the ‘friendly face’ of us as a Church. You can sign up this Sunday, or contact the St John’s Office any time.
We did this last semester and this is some of the feedback we received:

  • Staff were very lovely, a great environment to study and we appreciate the snacks

  • Thank you so much for a lovely space — the cookies were delicious!

  • Amazing tea and bikkies - THANK you!!

  • Lovely welcoming environment and yummy snacks


Help spread the word by sharing the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/share/k88b1ev1vkax1sBS/



The St John’s in the City AGM is after the Sunday morning service on the 20th October 2024 in the church. The Annual Report is available to read below:

And on the St John’s website (NB: it has been updated this week to include the Financial Performance Report). A limited number of printed copies will be available this Sunday.
In preparation of the AGM, the Agenda, Minutes from last year and the budget for the coming year are available below:



Eldership in the Presbyterian Church is a recognised role whereby a person commits themselves to spiritual leadership and care within a congregation, in the strength of the Holy Spirit. The nature of leadership is what the church understands as ‘servant leadership’ and it always seeks peace and unity. It is a consultative and collaborative style of leadership that pursues the welfare of the church into the future. Elders also undertake pastoral care by fostering relationships as part of our shared ‘priesthood of all believers’ and to help them discern God’s will in their leadership responsibilities.
The St John’s Session is pleased to recommend four names for prayerful consideration by St John’s members for ordination and induction to eldership. And notice is hereby given for the recommendation by Session to elect Hannah North, Neil Dodgson, Ross Perrin and Samuel Allen as elders at the Annual General Meeting after the morning service on Sunday 20th October 2024.
Here are brief biographical summaries on each person…
Hannah North moved to Wellington a year and a half ago and jumped into ministry and the life of St John’s with two feet to be fully engaged. She is the Youth and Families Pastor at St John’s and works hard to create intergenerational connections. She has a passion to share the love of Christ with young people and a passion for the wider church to work well as a body with different gifts. Hannah has also spent time this year as the Assistant Chaplain at Scots College and is studying theology.
Neil Dodgson has been worshipping regularly at St John’s since 2016, when he moved back from the UK with Catherine and Rebekah. His connection with the church goes back further, as his mother-in-law, Mary, has been here for many years and Rebekah was dedicated at St John’s in 2004. Neil is an ordained elder in the United Reformed Church in the UK (a church formed from the merger, in 1972, of Congregational and Presbyterian churches of England and Wales). Neil plays in the worship band, helps lead the Young Adults group, is a member of the Thursday evening house group, and has occasionally led worship. He works at Victoria University where he is both Dean of Graduate Research and a professor in the Faculty of Engineering.
Ross Perrin is from the UK where he brought up under the Church of England. He originally moved to New Zealand for a short stint in 2011/12 with his wife Kirsty, and was part of the St John's community at the time. Then in 2021, they moved here permanently with their three kids - Jack, Ena and Seth. Ross has a finance background, working for the government at the Environmental Protection Authority.
Samuel Allen has been worshipping at St John's with his family since he was a baby. Samuel has grown up in St John's and is involved with the Youth Group as a volunteer leader, and is expanding his involvement in the life of the church via Council and the Property Committee. Samuel has a background and enthusiasm for the sciences, currently working at Scots College as their full-time Science Technician.



As a Church community we are committed to keeping young people safe. This commitment includes supporting all our leaders with up-to-date training to work together and follow safe practices.
The Safety WOF training is conducted regularly for all those who serve our ministry with young people. On the 20th of October (after the St John’s Annual General Meeting) Hannah North will run this training from 1pm to 6pm.
If you have any further questions or would like more information, please contact Hannah North.



As part of the Wellington Heritage Festival our church building will be open for visitors to come and visit.
The open days are:
Saturday 26 October
Sunday   27 October
Monday    28 October (Labour Day)
Saturday   2 November
The church will be open on these days from 11:00 am until 4:00 pm
We require people to host during the times that the church is open.
The 'shifts' will be from 11:00 until 1:30 and 1:30 until 4:00.
If you can assist at any time, it will be greatly appreciated.
Please see Robert Anderson if you would like to help out.



We are getting the next church duty rosters ready for November - February.  We particularly need more Bell Ringers to help ring the bell just before the service (what a way to declare your love of God to the world!)  Also, a number of regular helpers are away in January 2025, so extra help with collecting the Offering and Greeting would be welcome. Linda van Milligan would love to hear from you if you or your family can help with this.




‘I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in him, in speech and knowledge of every kind— just as the testimony of Christ has been strengthened among you.’ (1 Corinthians 1:4-6)
 Ka kite ano

Bulletin(Church Office)