Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 24 November 2024

Kia ora St John’s whānau,
This Sunday we hear about Jesus going on his own Hikoi.

The vision given in God’s Word is the light of God coming in Jesus Christ, as he moves himself from one place to another. What does this mean for us today?
Darkness is transformed into glorious light; we are turned to Jesus Christ in our human diversity of cultures and languages – all are seen and heard and celebrated.
God’s vision is not assimilation, but a richness of expression in the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our young people will hikoi out of the service part-way to their peer groups. At the conclusion of the service we will all share Morning Tea together.

If you can’t gather in the city, and you want to join the worship service via Zoom, here are the details to access the live-stream:
Zoom Meeting ID: 370 260 759
Passcode: worship
The link to join the Zoom worship service is below.

If using your phone: dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 370 260 759#, Passcode: 1560107#)

This is the link to the printable Service Sheet:




This year we are having Christmas in the Courtyard on Friday 13 December between 5:00 and 8:00 pm.
We already have one brass band and two choirs booked in for this event. 
We will be running a cafe, barbeque and food and craft stalls.
If you want to run a stall or want to volunteer to assist on the day please see Robert Anderson.

Above all we want you to come along and enjoy this event and to invite friends and family to also come along .
Money raised will be going to the DCM.



At St John’s in the City on Sunday 24th Nov 4:00pm.
We are pleased to welcome the Scots College community to join us in worship at this special time of year. Please come early to enjoy the pipe band!



The next get-together is for the Advent service in the Church on Tuesday 26th November 2024 @ 11am.  Rev Allister Lane will lead the service.  The Fellowship Group committee will have prepared the food for lunch afterwards in the Centre.  No need to bring a plate. A koha is invited towards the Christmas appeal for A&J.



One of our local traditions is to celebrate our unity at the start of Advent by joining together for combined worship.
St Peter’s on Willis Anglican Church is hosting our annual Combined Advent Service on Sunday 1st Dec 7:00pm.
Come and join the other two congregations and choirs as we anticipate the coming Prince of Peace.



We are part of a new initiative this year to spread the joy of the Christmas story in the days leading up to the excitement of Christmas Day.
Along with neighbouring churches in the city (St Peter’s Anglican, Central Baptist Church, and Wellington Cathedral of St Paul) we are creating an interactive space (in our Chapel) for people of all ages to visit and hear more about what Christmas is really about.
Each church will be open on Saturday 21st, Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th from 11am – 3pm. And the public are invited to visit all the churches, collecting stamps along the way on a special ‘Christmas Crawl’ map.
We are looking for volunteers to passively supervise the space on those days.



You can now bring ALL TYPES of lids to Church each Sunday!

As part of our care for creation together we have a lid recycling hub at St John’s in the City. Lids can’t go in with the curb-side recycling but can be collected at Church and taken where they will be recycled.
We are now collecting ANY plastic and metal lids, making it much easier - no sorting of plastics required.


“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  (Romans 15:13)
Mā te wā

Bulletin(Church Office)