Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 7 July 2024

Kia ora St John’s whānau,
This Sunday we continue our four week series exploring the practice ‘Care for Creation’.
The book of Revelation describes ‘a new heaven and a new earth’… what does this promise about the restoration of creation?

This continues our emphasis of putting our faith into practice, and will focus on our desire for knowing God more through intentional practices, relationships, and experiences.
We will all gather in the Church at 10am and our young people will go out part-way to their peer groups.

If you can’t gather in the city, and you want to join the worship service via Zoom, here are the details to access the live-stream:
Zoom Meeting ID: 370 260 759
Passcode: worship
The link to join the Zoom worship service is below.

If using your phone: dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 370 260 759#, Passcode: 1560107#)

This is the link to the printable Service Sheet:




With escalating insurance costs, the St John’s Session and Council have explored sustainable options.  A significant amount of research has been done and there are recommendations to bring for consideration by everyone at St John’s.  
Background information has been prepared in this easy to read guide:

Last Sunday there was a forum for consideration of the information and the opportunity discuss any questions about the recommendations.
This Sunday there is a Congregational Meeting immediately following the service in the church, for all members to vote on the recommendations.



The Moderator Right Rev Rose Luxford has published an update on The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care. This can be read below:



We continue to encourage one another in spiritual practices that grow our faith.  31 Days of Truth is a suggested resource for daily Bible reading from the Bible Society, which includes a reflection from Martyn Day, who recently lead the series of workshops on the Bible at St John’s.  Could this be something you try in July?



This contemporary theatre production was created to discuss life and loss, posing a reflective question for the viewer; Who is Death to you?
From the existential incomprehensible unknown, to arguing about mugs of hot chocolate, Honey explores her relationship with Death and what it means to live in the face of mortality.
Full details available below:



‘Portraying the Invisible God: How Early Christian Artists Depicted Christ’ by Professor Robin Jensen.
Tuesday July 23, 7.00 – 9.00pm Public Lecture, All Saints Church, 90 Hamilton Rd, Haitaitai.
In partnership with the Theology Programme at the University of Otago, Venn Centre for the Arts brings you a conversation evening with historian of Christian art and architecture Professor Robin Jensen. The New Testament refers to Christ as the image of the invisible God, but it never describes his physical appearance. Professor Robin Jensen will explore how early depictions of Jesus expressed Christian beliefs about his divine and human natures as well as his mission as healer, teacher, and saviour. Whether you’re a practicing artist, or fascinated by the arts, this event offers an excellent opportunity to explore some of the ancient dynamics of Christianity and art-making.



We’re excited to let you know there's a church camp happening this year!
It's at Paekakariki Holiday Park from Fri evening 20 Sept till Sunday 22 Sept.
We’ll be aiming to keep costs down and you can choose to sleep in the lodge, pitch a tent or stay in an onsite cabin (more details will be available at a later stage.)
(FYI - El Rancho/Forest Lakes and Kaitoke were booked for this date.)




‘You are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season.’   Psalm 1