Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 13 March 2022

Kia ora St John’s whānau,

This Sunday (the second in the season of Lent as we journey toward Easter) we shall examine the theme of ‘sacrifice’ – which is throughout the big story of the Bible. How do we understand ‘sacrifice’ in today’s world? How does it help us know God better?

My household is actually in isolation, and so I am very grateful to Ashley Milkop and others who will lead the service on Sunday. We are continuing to run a hybrid service (in-person and via Zoom) and so, using this blend of technology, I will actually be able to make an appearance during the service!

We will defer Communion for another time. And peer groups will be running in the second part of the service as usual. Afterwards we’ll have a BBQ in the courtyard, with a special celebration for Betty Robertson!

We are currently in covid protection framework colour ‘Red’.  This means we have a limit of 100 people that can gather at St John’s in the City for worship.  So you might want to think if you can join via Zoom. Here are the details to access the live-streaming of the worship service via Zoom:


Zoom Meeting ID: 370 260 759

Passcode: worship


The link to join the Zoom worship service is below.




If using your phone: dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 370 260 759#, Passcode: 1560107#)


This is the link to the printable Service Sheet

IIf you gather in the city for worship, please remember to Scan, Mask, Vaccine Pass

  • Everyone will need to show a ‘My Vaccine Pass’ to attend. Children under the age of 12 years and 3 months, or those who have an exemption can be admitted without a ‘My Vaccine Pass’.

  • As well as showing your ‘My Vaccine Pass’ please also follow the usual public health guidelines:

    • stay home if you’re unwell

    • scan using the NZ Covid Tracer app (or record contact details manually)

    • wear a mask

    • give others outside of your ‘household bubble’ physical space (move along the pews)

    • if you receive a positive Covid test AND have recently been at a St John’s event, please notify the St John’s Office (Ph: 385 1546)

We are doing this together, and so please let someone know if you want support. We can help practically, spiritually and pastorally.




Soon it will be necessary for households to self-isolate when someone tests positive for COVID-19 or is a Close Contact of someone else who has tested positive for COVID-19.  If you are in this situation and find you need help (e.g. food or supplies dropped off), please let us know through the St John’s in the City Office.  We will do what we can to help one another.


Even if we have to physically isolate, we want to stay connected as a faith community. To help us, have Online Devotions every Thursday at 11am.

Please join with others for fifteen minutes of spiritual reflection together.


The link to join via Zoom is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/150457018?pwd=OU55OXhDY2YvZFlIWmNNZkxVaVN2UT09

If using your phone, dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 150 457 018, Passcode: 333)



Thursdays at 7:30pm during Lent (the season before Easter)
These reflections will be on current issues and Easter themes, and this Thursday we will be reflecting on the meaning of Jesus’ death on the cross by examining models of atonement.
To join in this open time of reflection and discussion, please use this Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 835 2120 5867
Passcode: lent



Instead of Picnic Church this year we are having a Service Project Gardening Working Bee at the Dixon Street Flats on Saturday 12th March 2-4pm.
Everyone is encouraged to be part of this intergenerational mission event, as we weed, spray, mulch, plant, etc. We will have an afternoon tea and invite the tenants to join us. Please bring gardening gloves (if you got ‘em)
You may wish to “sponsor” a planter or make a financial contribution to the plants, potting mix and compost/mulch. This can be done though the St Johns website marking any contribution with "Gardening B”.



The meeting scheduled for this month on 22nd March – is CANCELLED



We currently have a vacancy for the role of the Children & Families Ministry Worker, and have been trying to find someone to serve in this important position. We have advertised widely through public platforms and our various networks, inviting applications by 3rd December 2021, and then in a second round of advertising with the application deadline of 14th February 2022. No suitable applications were received, and so the search continues! We are grateful to those who have stepped up their commitment to serve during this vacancy and will continue to pursue a successful appointment to have someone fulfilling the responsibilities we need dedicated leadership for. If you, or someone you know, might consider this halftime role, please contact the St John’s Office for a Position Description (Ph: 385 1546)