Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 15 May 2022

Kia ora St John’s whānau,

In recent months the St John’s Session elders have felt moved to articulate a fresh Vision for St John’s. And we want to share this with you all and invite you to help us develop this into something that reforms, restores and rebuilds us as a Church.

This Sunday there will be an introduction of the Vision framework – both in the morning service and as part of Whanau Night.

Then in the following weeks there will be more details coming, with the opportunity for everyone to talk about the Vision together.

We need feedback on the Vision to make any necessary changes to the ideas of Session. We will start with a discussion with key leaders who give time and gifts generously serving the rhythms of being Church. If you are one of these people, please come to a discussion after the service on Sunday 22nd May in the St John’s Centre.

Then, we will have a substantive discussion on the Vision with the whole St John’s Church whānau on Sunday 12th June.

Here are the dates for sharing the Vision:
15th May Introduce the Vision as part of the Sunday service and Whanau Night
22nd May Korero with Key Leaders over lunch. Brief presentation and discussion.
26th May Share the Vision Document to whole congregation, with an invitation to a Congregational Forum on Sunday 12th June 2022
12th June Congregational Forum: brief presentation, questions, discussion

This Sunday we have peer groups for St J’s Kids and Youth Group in the St John’s Centre – going out part-way through the service.

If you want to join the worship service via Zoom, here are the details to access the live-stream:
Zoom Meeting ID: 370 260 759
Passcode: worship
The link to join the Zoom worship service is below.



If using your phone: dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 370 260 759#, Passcode: 1560107#)


This is the link to the printable Service Sheet is below




Some of us are having to isolate because we or someone in our household tests positive for COVID-19. If you are in this situation and find you need help (e.g. food or supplies dropped off), please let us know through the St John’s in the City Office. We are able to help one another.

Even if we have to physically isolate, we want to stay connected as a faith community. To help us, we have Online Devotions every Thursday at 11am.
Please join with others for fifteen minutes of spiritual reflection together.

The link to join via Zoom is below.
If using your phone, dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 150 457 018, Passcode: 333)



St John’s Whānau Night is back!
Sunday 15 May, 5:00pm - 6:30pm
You are invited to spend the evening connecting with your St John's whānau in an evening of worship, discussion and food. In this month we will envision and explore how we can be Christ-centred as individuals and as a community.



This term we host four special evening services for the Scots College Houses.
The first House Service is for Fergusson House, with students, families and staff on Sunday 15th May at 6pm in the Church building. This is an opportunity for us to proclaim the Gospel message, and offer hospitality as God’s family.



The Field Officer of the Motor Neurone Association, Moira Young, will be the speaker on 24th May at 11am.
We are supporting the Motor Neurone Association with our Annual Appeal on Sunday 15th May. Proceeds will be shared with a project of the Christian World Service in the Pacific. We can show our generosity in what we can do together.



Thank you all very much for your contributions to the DCM Foodbank made as part of our weekly worship. The need is high for food supplies during winter, so please keep giving to our weekly food basket. We give as a Church and each week we dedicate the food with prayer for the well-being of those who have it really tough in our city. When you are next at the supermarket, please consider getting something extra for those who need it most.
Another way you can help is to give an hour of your time as part of a community foodbank collection at New World Chaffers, Saturday 28 May. Can you do a one-hour shift starting at 9am, 10am, 11am or 12noon? Please contact Carolyn Goudswaard pippit@xtra.co.nz



Over May, June July and August Marg Gilkison is organising a team to host Souper Sundays. We are invited to participate as an expression of re-connecting and re-building our church family after our disrupted experiences. These lunches are very popular and provide a wonderful atmosphere of friendship and fun …and the homemade soup is delicious.

The yummy soup and bread, tea and coffee is provided and you are invited to bring something to share with the tea and coffee after our soup ( eg: slice, biscuits, fruit). It’s as simple as that, and there is no cost!

We have divided the congregation alphabetically into four groups
29th May (A-F )
26th June (G-L)
31st July (M-R)
28th August (S -Z)

Please come another time if you can't make it on your designated date. All visitors are welcome to please join us.



On Sunday 5th June we celebrate the Birthday of the Church with a Combined Pentecost Evening Service with our neighbouring churches: St Mary of the Angels and St Peter’s. We will host this service at St John’s in the City, starting at 7:30pm with combined choirs and a supper afterward. Please bring some food to share.



We currently have a vacancy for the role of the Children & Families Ministry Worker, and have been trying to find someone to serve in this important position. We are grateful to those who have stepped up their commitment to serve during this vacancy and will continue to pursue a successful appointment to have someone fulfilling the responsibilities we need dedicated leadership for. If you, or someone you know, might consider this halftime role, please contact the St John’s Office for a Position Description (Ph: 385 1546).