Jesus Overcomes Long-distance - Incorporating and Restoring

21 July 2024

Mark 5:1-20

There is a LOT going on in today’s passage.

The theme that I want to draw from this story

for us today is DISTANCING.

When do we deliberate distance others?

I hope you hear in this Gospel story the distancing that takes place.

In the region of the Gerasenes - on the other side of the lake – this deeply disturbed man has obviously been a real problem for that community.

This man is difficult to be around, and because of that he was locked up, and locked out.

They were doing what they could to ignore him, and had figured out a solution to solve this ‘problem’.

They put him at a distance: “among the tombs”.

This is a ‘dead-end’ place (literally).

It was a place of distance and marginalisation.

The Gospel story centres on Jesus entering this Gentile region.

Coming across the lake, Jesus comes to this man.

In a manner that is characteristic in the Gospels,

Jesus overcomes the distance –

geographic, social, and spiritual.

Jesus heals the man.

(This is, at its heart, a story of a miraculous healing. It’s about Jesus and what Jesus proclaims in word and deed)

But, today – as we think about the possible responses we can make to who Jesus is – do you notice the response of that community?

The community who has distanced this man are far from overjoyed to see him healed.

“…people came to see what it was that had happened.

They came to Jesus and saw the demoniac sitting there, clothed and in his right mind,

…and they were afraid.” (Mark 5:14-15)

“And they were afraid.”

Not pleased he had been set free and healed, but afraid.

They had already freed themselves of this man.

They amputated him, to ease their discomfort.

They had distanced him.

And Jesus comes along and overcomes the distance – incorporating people;

restoring people – personally and in community.

Walter Brueggeman says

“[such] miracles may seem odd to us, but in fact they are the typical gifts we receive when the world gets reorganised and placed under the sovereignty of God. Everywhere Jesus goes the world is rearranged...

Jesus left ordinary people dazzled, amazed and grateful; he left powerful people angry and upset, because every time he performed a wonder, they lost a little of their clout. The wonders of the new age of the coming of God's kingdom may scandalise and upset us. They dazzle us, but they also make us nervous.”

(‘The liturgy of abundance, the myth of scarcity’ by Walter Brueggemann in the March 24, 1999 issue of The Christian Century )

These people fear the implications of Jesus’ ministry in their midst.

So, they beg Jesus to leave their neighbourhood.

(Just like the unclean spirits had begged Jesus)

The question for today is: Who do we keep at a distance?

Who do we fear?

Who makes us nervous by their proximity?

Those with different background, cultures, languages, religions?

Those of the Rainbow community?

Those with mental health challenges?

When do we respond like the community in this story?

When do we act in fear – wanting the comfortable status quo?

Have you ever heard the story of Kim Lee?

It is a story about Wellington,

and our harbour (Te Whanganui-a Tara)

Matiu (Somes Island) is a Wellington landmark.

Over the centuries it has served variously as a pa site, a lighthouse station, an internment camp and a wildlife reserve.

From the 1870s through to the 1920s it was a quarantine station for immigrants with infectious diseases.

A leper colony was founded there that in its heyday housed up to 150 people.

Off the northeast point of Matiu is a smaller island known as Mokopuna.

It can be easily seen from the State Highway 2 motorway.

Who was Kim Lee?

He was an immigrant from China in the 1880s.

In 1903 he was running a fruit shop on Adelaide Road in Newtown, when he was diagnosed with leprosy.

Kim Lee was taken to the quarantine station on Matiu Island, but after [racist] complaints from the other lepers about him being held there he was placed alone on Mokopuna.

For the last few months of his life, he lived in a cave on the island.

He died in March 1904.

This church community of St John’s was here – while Kim Lee was out there (in the harbour).

(Many years the case of Kim Lee was reviewed, and it was concluded that he probably never even had leprosy.)

From Myths & Legends of the Ancient Pakeha, by Glen Colquhoun, p53.

Who do WE keep at a distance?

This exact time last week, Thomas Crooks tried to kill Donald Trump.

This act of violence is the ultimate effort to distance someone – wanting them dead.

It is an ancient as Cain killing Abel.

Perhaps the shooter believed his bullet would change the course of history for the better.

We must guard our hearts from such ideas.

I’m not fan of Donald Trump.

I think he is unethical, self-centred and a bully.

I think he is ill-suited for the role of President.

But to wish someone dead is not okay.

That is not a Christian thought.

· Each of us has been made in God’s own image.

· Jesus died for ALL.

· God’s love extends to every ‘lost sheep that needs saving’.

We should not wish someone dead.

Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount:

‘You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, “You shall not murder”; and “whoever murders shall be liable to judgement.” But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgement; and if you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say, “You fool”, you will be liable to the hell of fire.” (Matthew 5:21-22)

Jesus knows the power of human anger, and that we must guard our hearts from wishing harm to come to others.

“Blessed are the merciful… Blessed are the peacemakers…” (Matthew 5: 7, 9)

Attempted assassination IS the extreme example, but Jesus’ teaching shows us it is a sliding scale.

Distancing others can be something we do that seems small – maybe even something we feel is justifiable.

But when distancing others goes unchecked – in our heart, or in our community – it can be deadly.

Will you check your heart today?

Will you be honest and check if there are any you are distancing?

Ask for God’s help to not fear them.

It probably won’t happen overnight; it may take time for God to change your heart toward them.

If you’re not sure how to start, you could pray that you don’t wish they were dead!

The Good News friends, is that Jesus overcomes distance.

We believe this of his incarnation, salvation, and restoration.

Jesus shows us we do not need to fear our Holy God and keep our distance.

Through Jesus, we can come into God’s presence.

When Jesus says “Let the little children come to me…” (Mark 10:14), he is making clear that he overcomes distance for all of us.

The distance has been overcome –

between us and God

and between each other.

Thanks be to God!


(Church Office)